Politics: To Asian-Americans Like Me: Stop It

To my fellow U.S. born, middle and upper class, non-LGBTQ, East-Asian American brothers who happen to live in areas where being anything other than white is acceptable,

We will be okay. It will get worse, but we will get through it.

So let’s stop it.

Stop with the “I’m moving to Canada” jokes. Stop with the “the world is ending” tweets.

We got our likes. We got our laughs.


Let’s set aside our need to hop on the bandwagon of jokes and memes, get real for a second and ask ourselves: is it really appropriate to be checking into Ontario? Do we really need to take the time to post snapchats of us packing our bags, knowing that we’ll be hanging our clothes right back up?

Don’t get me wrong, I fully understand that these are jokes, but with Trump being elected as our president, there are many groups of people whose fears we’ll indirectly miss if we’re not careful.

If there’s one thing that people with circumstances similar to myself must do today, it is to recognize our privilege.

We must be able to swallow this pill, no matter how bitter tasting it may be.

I will state it more clearly: people with circumstances similar to myself have a form of privilege that is not afforded to those with a darker skin tone than ours or who live in geographically red areas. It’s not white privilege, but it’s privilege nonetheless.

If there’s a single take-away from this political nightmare, it’s the fact that East-Asian Americans are still borderline irrelevant in the realm of politics. Our race came out nearly unscathed and untouched. Our vote was never truly a topic of debate. Neither Hillary nor Donald fully attempted to win us over. Yes, our voter turnout doubled and tripled this year, but was that due to an actual interest in politics or was it more just the result of an ever-growing hatred for Trump?

We weren’t the face of Trump’s deportation plans or temporary bans. We weren’t called rapists and drug traffickers throughout this election process.

And our biggest worry during a traffic stop is how we’re going to try to connive our way out of a ticket.

Yes, our lives will get tougher from here on out because, yes, we are still minorities in a white America. I am not rejecting that notion. But our racial fight is in places like Hollywood where we’re underrepresented and on sidewalks where people tell us to “go back to where we came from.” These battles aren’t anything we haven’t seen since we walked into a classroom with “smelly” oriental food.

Again, I’m not saying that these fights are not worthy of discussion because they are. We are still prone to racism and bigotry and we will, without a doubt, have to deal with an intensified version of the shit thrown at us day in and day out.

But what we will experience as a demographic in the next four years pales in comparison to what black, brown, and other Asians will have to go through with Trump at the helm.

Let’s face it: our livelihood is not in any real danger. We will be able to walk out of our doors knowing we’re coming back in one piece.

So when we post statuses about packing our bags and send out tweets about how we can’t live in America anymore, it better encompass the fact that we can’t stand to see other minority groups being marginalized, ostracized and even killed while we have mostly been shielded by the armor of privilege that conveniently comes both in the option of male and in the shade of yellow, whether we asked for it or not.

What we need to do now is to step down from our privilege and dig in with our fellow black and brown neighbors, our fellow LGBTQ community, our fellow sisters, and our undocumented friends and family who are in for one hell of a dog fight during the next four years.

2016 was the year our voice chirped here and there, but come 2020 – and I say this with the utmost confidence – our voice will be a force to be reckoned with.

But for the time being, let’s stop doing it for the ‘gram and stand side by side with the good half of the country. Let’s let them know we’re not going to Canada or Korea or anywhere else.

We’re going to stay right fucking here and fight like hell to make America actually great again.

Until next time,


*Note* This post was originally made for those that are in similar positions as myself – A U.S. born citizen, straight, middle-class Korean-American. I have edited my post to fit that audience.

42 thoughts on “Politics: To Asian-Americans Like Me: Stop It

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    1. Stop being racist against yourself (and by extension, me, my family, my friends, my communities, OUR communities).
      Seriously, yellow skin? Are you sure you’re not referring to Pikachu?
      The profanity in your childish post isn’t helping your case either.


    2. Seriously, stop being racist toward yourself, to myself, my friends, my community, YOUR community, YOUR friends and denigrating a group of over 15 million people. Seriously, yellow skin? Stop characterizing a diverse population with a caricature. So all Chinese-Americans have the same skin tone? Filipino-Americans and Vietnamese-Americans look the same to you? Despite the incredible diversity of Asian-Americans, you choose to paint (pun intended) all 15 million or so people with nothing more than a neon color? The profanity in your childishly-written post aren’t really helping your case much either.


  1. you begin with “to my fellow brothers and sisters”, and yet you don’t for a second actually consider what it’s like for your “sisters” whose rights to their own bodies are about to be taken away from them. yes, we have privilege-but recognize that some of us have more than others.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hey Michelle,

      First off, thanks for your comment! I appreciate you calling me out and keeping me accountable.

      Anyways, I am sorry if you felt excluded or marginalized. This post wasn’t meant to exclude anyone and to downplay the many, many issues that people from all different backgrounds will face with a Trump presidency. For the record, I am all for women being able to choose what they do with their own bodies. This post was mostly directed at people, much like myself, who are in positions of privilege that made it seem like their world was ending. I saw so many of my Asian friends making a mockery of the privilege (and for a couple hours I was on that same bandwagon) they have by saying they’re moving to Canada or wherever else when the Hispanic and Muslim next to them literally have a target on their backs.

      I am still coming to grips every single day with my male privilege and I thank you dearly for taking time out of your day to remind me of the increased struggles women will have to face. Just know that I am behind y’all in every way. I hope this kind of helps you understand where I stand with everything!

      Thanks again,


      Liked by 1 person

  2. If you’re telling us to step down from our privilege, doesn’t that entail voicing our opinions and being emotionally evoked and moved by the election results? I am upset for my peers, I know damn well that these results will not impact me but my peers and my heart aches for them. Great message at the end, but your beginning is something I just don’t quite understand.


    1. What part in the beginning are you referring to exactly?

      I do call us to step down from our privilege, which does include voicing our opinions and being emotionally involved. But my message was mainly about the folks who (myself included) took being able to live freely in this country without fear of being deported, who can have family members visit them whenever they want because they don’t have to fear a temporary ban on their kind, who can get pulled over by a cop and know that they’ll come out of it alive and breathing, who took all of these things for granted and decided to check in to Ontario or post pictures of them packing their bags when our fellow minorities don’t have it as easy as we do.

      To me, it seems like your comment is in tune with the entirety of my post. I mention that our statuses and tweets should encompass not only our pain as Asian-Americans, but also the pain of our fellow minorities as well.

      Again, I just want to re-iterate the fact that I am not trying to downplay any of the hurt and pain Asian people feel on a daily basis. I just wanted to put things into perspective with all of the crazy hoopla and over-dramatization that I and some people I know displayed after the election of Trump last night.


      1. Hey Mel,

        To be completely honest with you, I wrote this on a whim to address my immediate Facebook friends who were being over dramatic and posting statuses and tweets saying they’re going to move to Canada or wherever else. I had no idea it would blow up the way it did. Just for the record, I am not saying that we have nothing to worry about as East-Asian Americans. I state throughout my post that we are prone to racism and we will definitely experience an intensified version of what we’ve already been going through. I am well aware of the bigotry and racism that’s thrown at people of our kind. I apologize, truly. But I just want you to know that just because I didn’t mention it in this post, it doesn’t mean that I don’t support LGBTQ communities and women’s rights. I am behind y’all in every way. This was more for my friends than anything.

        My message was for us to stop complaining and joking around and channel that energy into fighting this presidency.


  3. i wholeheartedly agree with this, but please remember that there are asian lgbt people too. telling us that we’ll be fine is hard to believe when we’re already receiving backlash from our own families, nontheless the threats of conversion therapy. im not accusing you of not caring about us or whatever (and i hope you do), but please dont forget that there is still a certain kind of fear in our hearts, even now we cant think of publicly expressing online or irl.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hey ikea closet!

      I completely agree! Many people have mentioned various issues that I failed to address in my post. From women’s rights to LGBTQ rights, I completely understand that people in these groups will be in for a long-hard fight to retain their rights. Just know that I am behind y’all every step of the way.

      I probably could have clarified a bit more throughout my post, but I just wanted to address and compare only the racial issues that East-Asian Americans and other minority groups face and that there’s no need for people such as myself (straight Korean male) to post statuses talking about moving to Canada or packing our bags when our fellow minorities might be forced out of our country without a choice.

      I wish you well with whatever’s ahead of you and if you need any help or would like to discuss things further, let me know! I’d be all for it!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Please take this down – it’s not something to be proud of telling our people for 1. Not to use your privilege for the sake of those who need it 2. To Ignore the civil injustices of past and present of which you’ve forgotten internment camps, the Chinese Exclusion Act, and you left out the present Asian LGBQT community – so no they aren’t okay, you might be but you don’t speak for anyone but yourself in this article. Just because you decided to write an article so you thought you’d get a good chuckle out of selfishly publishing a “be grateful” article on behalf of your genetic makeup, you fucking trailed off to say some ignorant stupid shit – Don’t tell anybody to settle for less when we all deserve to be equal. You’re a pawn, wake up.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. GMWC,

        1. I don’t believe I ever tell anyone to not use our privilege for the sake of those who need it. I probably could have worded it much better, but what I mean by “stepping down from our privilege” is basically what you are trying to say – don’t stay comfortable up there just because this election won’t affect us the way it’ll affect other minorities and help out at every opportunity.

        2. I agree with you on this one, but I never intended to tell anyone to forget our past and present injustices. I know that my quote “We were never the subject of deportations or temporary bans. We were never called rapists and drug traffickers.” says otherwise, but what I actually meant by this was that we were never the subject of these blatant racist messages during the Trump campaign. I take the L on this one, I should have clarified. I have already edited my post on this.

        This is by no means a “be grateful” post, well, not in the way that you put it. I’m not saying that Asians need to shut up and be grateful. I am merely telling those that continue to joke about moving to Canada or elsewhere to stop because the Hispanic or Muslim sitting next to them might actually leave the country by force and not by choice. So, yes, be grateful that the majority of straight male Asian-Americans don’t have a target on their backs.

        I will never, ever tell anybody to settle for less. I believe in equality wholeheartedly. Maybe my wording was a bit off (as I wrote this on a whim last night) or maybe you misinterpreted what I truly meant. Either way, I am on your side with your entire comment. Thanks for taking the time out to comment and keep me accountable.


  4. I’m pretty sure everyone was joking about moving to Canada, especially the white people. Asians also have other groups they identify with and there’s also a lot of Asians who don’t have rights here. They live in the highest concentrated pockets of poverty in cities. We don’t have any political power and there’s actually lot of racism and implicit bias against Asians that is just not reported as visibly as other discrimination. Your argument is really dumb and irrelevant so just stop. I’m sorry that’s harsh but you really don’t know the hell you’re talking about. Also stop calling me a yellow person.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Not trying to be offensive, but are you fuckin retarded? Sorry if that didn’t come out as “politically correct” cause I am sick of seeing this shit and it’s time for asians to stop being the “nice guy.” Nice guys finish last – look at the Dems right now. They lost because they were too nice.

    Why are you calling asians “yellow” folks? Other than the nasty history behind this racial slur (would you use the word nigger if you were talking about black people?) the description is just inaccurate. I don’t have yellow skin or ANYTHING close to it to that matter and the same applies for almost every asian. If you have yellow skin you should check out a doctor because you might have jaundice. Even calling me a “pink” folk would be more accurate if you actually knew your colors.

    Asian americans were always historically shafted. Look at your ridiculous quote below

    “We were never the subject of deportations or temporary bans. We were never called rapists and drug traffickers.”

    LOL Japanese internment camps anyone? Anti-Chinese immigration laws and propaganda that brainwashed white people into thinking they will murder and rape white women? Study U.S. history and you realize that this country is full of white racist bigots. Minorities can’t play the nice guy anymore when they take in all this shit from privileged white Americans. The success of Asian Americans as a model minority (which is already a dangerous stereotype in itself) is the result of hard work, skill and labor. Not privilege. Objectively speaking, you could argue that current policies (such as affirmative action) give Asians-Americans the least amount of privilege amongst all racial groups. Asian-Americans get the disadvantages of being a minority, such as being ridiculed with negative social stereotypes, without the advantages (affirmative action, “diversity” programs that seem to think asians are not a minority when they only compromise about 5% of the US population.)

    By perpetuating this message, you’re being the cancer of this society. I would like to take the benefit of the doubt and assume you are saying this out of ignorance rather than stupidity. One can be fixed, the other cannot.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Ugh. This was very condescending to read. It basically said that as model minorities we, East Asians, have nothing to worry about and need to shut up and be an ally? Please consider that “yellow” skinned people can be women, can be part of the LGBTQ community, can be undocumented, could have been raped or sexually assaulted. There is plenty to be worried about. This piece lacks depth and totally disregards intersectional identities.

    I speak from the perspective of an American born, Chinese Filipino bisexual woman who has been raped.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. This post lacks depth. People with “yellow” skin can have intersectional identities, which you clearly over look- being part of the LGBTQ community, being a woman, having experienced rape, having a disability, being a veteran, etc. There is plenty to worry about and “yellow” people are allowed to complain and express grief. I am Chinese Filipino, bisexual, and a woman who has been raped. Don’t tell me to stop complaining or stop worrying.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I second everything that was said here. Gu, no offense but from what you have written, you seem to be someone who has never experienced any sort of prejudice. It seems that you have been able to get by without negative experiences as a straight, possibly second or third generation middle-upper class Asian-American male. If you had, the ignorance you have written here wouldn’t exist. Also, open a history book and learn why we don’t refer to ourselves as “yellow” people. It’s offensive and shocking that a fellow Asian-American would use that term.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I second everything that was said here. Gu, no offense but from what you have written, you seem to be someone who has never experienced any sort of prejudice. It seems that you have been able to get by without negative experiences as a straight, possibly second or third generation middle-upper class Asian-American male. If you had, the ignorance you have written here wouldn’t exist. Also, open a history book and learn why we don’t refer to ourselves as “yellow” people. It’s offensive and shocking that a fellow Asian-American would use that term.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Gu,

    Simply put, you are a cuck. A Uncle Chan. A white worshiper.

    Either that, or a stupid, ignorant fool that has no idea how much real hatred white amerikkka has for us.

    Get out your bubble in cali and see how “easy” it is for us Asians in the red states.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Gu,

    Simply put, you are a cu*k. A Uncle Chan. A white worshiper.

    Either that, or a stupid, ignorant fool that has no idea how much real hatred white amerik**a has for us.

    Get out your bubble in cali and see how “easy” it is for us Asians in the red states.
    …really, do I seriously have to censor, wordpress?


  12. I agree with a lot of these comments. It’s clear that you don’t have a good understanding of Asian-American history. Our “model minority” status is actually one that hurts us and other minorities. You forget that there are Asian-American groups experiencing real discrimination, poverty, sexual assault, etc. I’m glad that you are able to “able to walk out of [your] door knowing that [you’ll] coming back in one piece”, but that is not many Asian-American’s realities. Each minority faces different issues, and it is important to do your research on these issues before sending out such an uninformed message.


  13. How the hell can you be this stupid? If anything, Asian Americans are among the least represented of the whole election. The fact that neither candidate made any attempts to appease the Asian American population shows how irrelevant we are to politics. Why is the state of Affirmative Action okay when it puts down a group of people that are not favored by society? Why are we so underrepresented in media? We should not be stifling our voices! We need to have the same voice that Latinos and Blacks have in our country. Asians need to unite like these predecessors; we can’t have conflict between us anymore if we are to have any voice in politics. We can’t accept these accusations, we can’t accept the way Affirmative Action puts us down, we can’t accept being called “Yellow-Skins”! Throughout history, few minority groups have helped Asians protest the Japanese being put into concentration camps, the Chinese Exclusion Act, or the state of Affirmative Action. Maybe we won’t be as affected as Latinos and Muslims throughout this presidency, but we should NOT stifle our voices if we want any chance of having equal representation. We have now had a black president and a Latino Supreme Court Justice. When will Asians finally be represented?

    I cannot say I am a Trump supporter. In fact, I helped campaign for Hillary. But if this election has taught me anything, it’s that there IS a media bias, and the media does not accurately represent the state of the country. Right now, the media is focused on Latino, Black, and Muslim oppression. That doesn’t mean that other minority races aren’t being oppressed. It’s not only Asians either; Native Americans were also not brought up throughout the course of this election, but they are a very oppressed group.

    In conclusion: Don’t voice your opinions if you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Gu,

    You need to educate yourself. We are not gonna be fine here. The US has a lengthy history of f#cking with Asian Americans. Chinese Exclusion Act, Japanese Internment, Page Act, Affirmative Action, Hollywood Emasculation, Sexual Fetishism, Anto-Miscegenation laws. Our population is only as high as it is today due to active immigration policy. If it weren’t for that, we would be GONE. Eugenics is real. If you think Trump supporters will ignore us while deporting other non-white “illegals”, you’re deluding yourself. This cold war the US has with China is the very thing that could blow this situation wide open for us. You’re Korean ethnically – you’re a ch#nk to then, same as any other. I hope you wake up, because you’re in for a real treat buddy.


  15. Whoops. Didn’t mean to spark something… but I totally agree with you! We were never considered in any of the debates even though we are still a minority. But even so, I haven’t really seen the privilege that your speaking about. It’s probably the California/New York bubble because in most midwest and south, their are hardly any asians there. I’m definitely gonna try my best to survive this Trump America. But in the meantime when the election is still relevant, i’m probably gonna make jokes about us because that’s the only way i’ll feel safe.

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  16. I’m sorry this is a joke? You want the praise of white cucks? I understand you think you’re mature for not repeating a meme. Yes you might be a straight, cisgender male who is middle class or above and lives in a liberal open minded state like California…what else oh right you’re also Asian American. YOU might be fine, but please don’t group an entire race as privileged just because your circumstances are optimal. Trust me, you don’t look mature or smart doing so.

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  17. Hi! What a powerful piece. I’m an editor at The Huffington Post. We’d love to share your piece on our site as well. If you’re interested, you can reach me at hayley [dot] miller [at] huffingtonpost [dot] com. Hope to hear from you!


    1. A quick Google search reveals that this Hayley Miller character is about as white as Time Kaine, and obviously doesn’t understand the absurd stupidity and ignorance in this “powerful” piece. Do you really want to degrade a Pulitzer Prize-winning online newspaper with this garbage, Hayley?


  18. Just because East-Asians won’t be affected does not mean that we need to “stop it.” We are sad for our brothers and sisters that fall into the category that you listed above. We are outraged.

    This is why Trump got elected. The simple minded believed that because it’s not happening to you, it can’t be “that bad” and that “we’ll be fine.”.


  19. To the majority of commenters:

    Gu isn’t trying to marginalize Asian-Americans with intersectional identities. He’s telling those who share similar privileges such as his Facebook friends to not simply bandwagon onto sentiments like “the world is ending” or “I’m moving to Canada”. Doing so diminishes the causes of those groups who are the actual, direct targets for Trump’s hate and future policies, whose lives are endangered as a result of this election.

    In other words if you are a woman, LGBT, and/or an undocumented immigrant, and also are Asian-American, your opinions are invaluable and sorely needed. If you are an Asian-American whose livelihood isn’t threatened to that extent, Gu urges you to go beyond pandering social media posts, “step down from our privilege and dig in with our fellow black and brown neighbors… the next four years as they have for us in the past.”

    The other issue raised is that Asian-Americans remain virtually irrelevant in the realm of politics. Our voices are rarely heard and our involvement minimal. No, we do not face the same challenges that lie ahead for our fellow POCs. First, we should acknowledge that. But just because being Asian-American alone doesn’t immediately put a target on our backs, doesn’t mean our involvement in the matter should be any less. Discrimination affects us all.

    Whether we are directly affected or fortunate enough to be born with privilege, we all have our part to play in the coming years. It is perfectly reasonable to point out what this article doesn’t do, but let’s also celebrate it does do.

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      1. i understand that you come from a good place in your heart, and that you wrote this with the intention of reaching out and being a good person. in that regard, i don’t think people should lash out at you. but i also don’t think the comments above “miss your point entirely.” you wrote to your friends who you thought were being insensitive, and writing this post was a way for you to separate yourself from them. while doing so, you titled your writing “To my fellow Asian-American brothers: stop it,” which was the link title to this post for many people. yeah you narrowed down your audience, but i’m sure you can see the room for confusion for some. your title is very broad and encompasses a large group of people, but for those people that read on past your disclaimer for your intended audience, they felt attacked when you suggested that they suck it up. sometimes, when a lot of people seem to be misunderstanding your position, instead of correcting them with all “but”s, it can be better to accept that it’s possible you overlooked some things that were really important to other people. hope you can understand a little better why people became upset.

        this is coming from an asian guy from a similar background to yours (i lived in san jose all my life and recently moved to LA) who recently became undocumented.


  20. This article really broke my heart.

    I understand that compared to other minorities Asians (really? Yellow skin?? How is that not derogatory and hurtful?) we may not have it as bad. But not as bad is not the same as good. It’s not the same as safe and accepted. You don’t know how scared I am that someone attacks my mom. As a first generation, her English is good but not perfect, and what if when the cops get involved, they don’t listen? What if they don’t understand or worse, what if they don’t care?

    I agree wholeheartedly that as Asians we should support the other minorities because black lives matter; lgbtq lives matter; all lives matter. But I don’t think saying their lives and strife are important should come at the cost of demeaning our own real struggles.

    There are plenty of cases of police brutality–and a lot are against old people, which is just horrific–and as an Asian women, I’m constantly being told “ni hao” or “konnichiwa”. Luckily that’s as much as I’ve had to deal with, but plenty have heard worse and faced worse. Especially now with Trump’a win, Asians are just as big of a target.


  21. First of all I want to say if this many people had to comment and show their antagonism and constantly correct you, maybe you should think about what you’ve written instead of blaming it on people missing your point…rather than it coming from your own ignorance. If you’re going to write in a rude manner then don’t be mad when people interpret it as rude and superficial???

    Like can you fucking take the time to think before you just blindly speak to try to win on some kind of pretentious game of false moral high ground. Especially at this time, do you think it’s appropriate to try to play a game of one upping your “fellow brothers” in terms of thinking you’re more intellectual than others just because you stopped crying over this set of events before everyone else. It’s only been a day and already hate crimes have been reported and spoken about, and these reports do NOT exclude even Asian straight males. Do east asian americans have higher privileges than many marginalized groups, yes, and will this affect event affect every group differently, yes. Does this mean though that east asian americans do not have to worry about danger though, no. So many of the comments have called you out on your privileges in writing this post, and again…not..all..east asian americans live in democratic states…

    Saying that east asian americans don’t have anything to really be crying over or that they’re just hopping on a bandwagon is so condescending. If you’re going to speak on behalf of your own life then do that, but to project it on to others and think that people aren’t genuinely scared but doing it simply for laughs and likes is just incredibly rude. To say that east asian american straight males shouldn’t have anything to worry about because they can still walk out of the door is ignorant of the history of asian racism to people like vincent chin, which you’ve probably never even read up on because you’re a “korean american” who thinks he can talk in place for all east asians while being ignorant on all east asians.

    Your whole post screams of enforcing the model minority myth that’s been used to suppress east asian americans into never complaining about their oppression because it’s “not that bad.” I don’t think you realize really what it actually means that a person like that got elected, and I don’t think you realize that whatever privileges east asians may have can also be temporary and that it does not leave east asian men out of violence, when east asian men have already begun to report racial violence against them. This isn’t simply about the president, this is millions of people who have now been reinforced on their ideas that they can treat any other group like they’re not human. You’re whole post is contradictory in telling people to shut up in their defense mechanisms and police their reactions, suck it up, and take being treated as trash because oh “you don’t have it as bad as other people.” Like where have I heard that before…

    All groups aren’t being represented well in Hollywood, if you think that’s the answer to us gaining a political voice rather than the actual social discussions occurring on these sites or even on social media then you’re incredibly naive. How are you going to make fun of people expressing their feelings on social media, when east asian men especially are told not to express feelings and are held to incredible pressure of “being a man”. What’s important right now for East Asian Americans and all groups is consolidation. Get off your high horse. Just because people don’t react the way you want or the way you do, doesn’t mean they aren’t engaging in trying to make a difference. You’re simply demeaning your “fellow brothers” and as we can see by the other comments a whole bunch of other people along the way.


  22. I agree that people need to stop making stupid jokes about threatening to move – jokes are what got us into this mess in the first place. However I don’t think you understand what your “brothers and sisters” are going through in places outside of the mean streets of LA or wherever your social network resides. I’m angered and outraged not just for the people of my same skin color, but for friends and strangers who reside in areas that are being tormented to disgusting behavior day in and day out without any repercussions.

    Also, your definition of privilege means anything above being stereotyped as a murderer or rapist. That’s a slippery slope.

    Otherwise, I agree. Everyone needs to speak up and fight for more important things


  23. Gu,

    I am simply amazed at the fucking retards who post here and completely miss your point. Your message to us AA’s is to be brave and, instead of running away or keeping silent, stay and face the adversity and nastiness that are probably coming our way. The tools here are all thinking about themselves – me this , my people that, oh woe is me etc. They never for one second, think that it’s not all about them. Instead of playing the victim and saying that people should be feeling sorry for them, they should fucking snap out of it and do something to counter whatever shit is coming our way. But instead of standing united with other minorities or even with their own kind, they just adhere to the old adage “Every man for himself”. Fucking pathetic lot.

    I’m Chinese American, and Dr. Sun Yat Sen once said that Chinese people are like a bunch of loose sand, that’s why we get pushed around. Well, I guess this applies to a lot of Asian Americans too.

    And why are these people so offended about you using the term “yellow skin” Hey wake up, it’s a fact we are known as the yellow race from an anthropological perspective. If this is such an offensive remark, then calling African Americans and Hispanics, black and brown people must be such a huge insult. And this one idiot above is claiming that he isn’t “yellow”. Hey Newsflash to you Banana: Don’t think that by going to the tanning salon everyday and putting on tanning oil to make yourself appear bronze will change what whites think of you.

    And you’re absolutely right in the sense that we get targeted less by whites when it comes to racist violence. It sure as heck happens, but not as much as it happens to blacks. This is a fact. Not because the whites love us more, but because when we get bullied, people expect us not to do shit and just take it. We’re viewed as submissive and less troublesome. Once we start voicing out injustices against us in a slightly louder and firmer manner, see if we will get away unscathed.

    This is a question we have to ask ourselves. At the end of the day, do we stay demure and quiet in the face of injustice in the hopes of living a long “trouble free” life? Or do we risk getting hurt and make a stand against racism and bullying?


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